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Angel plaque

Angel plaque carving of Bethlehem olive wood


A word signifying, both in the Hebrew and Greek, a messenger, and hence employed to denote any agent God sends forth to execute his purposes. It is used of an ordinary messenger (Job 1:14: 1 Sam. 11:3; Luke 7:24; 9:52), of prophets (Isa. 42:19; Hag. 1:13), of priests (Mal. 2:7), and ministers of the New Testament (Rev. 1:20). It is also applied to such impersonal agents as the pestilence (2 Sam. 24:16, 17; 2 Kings 19:35), the wind (Ps. 104:4). But its distinctive application is to certain heavenly intelligence whom God employs in carrying on his government of the world. The name does not denote their nature but their office as messengers. The appearances to Abraham at Mamre (Gen. 18:2, 22. Comp. 19:1), to Jacob at Peniel (Gen. 32:24, 30), to Joshua at Gilgal (Josh. 5:13, 15), of the Angel of the Lord, were doubtless manifestations of the Divine presence, foreshadowing of the incarnation, revelations before the fullness of the time of the Son of God.

Length 9.5cm Width 6cm Height 17.0 cm

Our products are made in Bethlehem - Holy land and will be shipped from Bethlehem 

  • Model: 151312

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Weight Dimensions
0.40 kg Length 9.50 cm
Width 6.00 cm
Height 17.00 cm